Welcome to the U.S. Marine Safety Institute, a website dedicated to the betterment of our marine environment and to the support of United States Search and Rescue and to SAR teams all over the world. It is the purpose of this website to educate the public as to what we do to improve our effectiveness during states of emergency.
The USMSI is an established public 501c3 not for profit organization based in Florida. We host a wide variety of marine environmental safety and education programs for at risk youth and veterans.
USMSI offers a wide array of marine environment safety and educational programs for boating and personal watercraft safety. We also volunteer services to safeguard those on the water.
For more information click a logo below.
Support the Cause
USMSI is an all volunteer organization and does not receive any Federal, State or Local funding. It relies completely on the generous giving of the community it serves. Your tax deductible gift is greatly appreciated!
Our Youth and Veterans apprenticeship programs are a combination of on-the-job training and related instruction in which workers learn the practical and theoretical aspects of highly skilled occupations. We provide at-risk youth, ages 12-28, the opportunity to transform their lives by learning to be community leaders and preparing themselves to enter the marketplace through training opportunities in various fields. These educational (Module) programs and courses are completely free to the students and are supported by corporate, individual sponsors and our new profit structures program.
Click here to find more details on these programs.
USMSI Tax Information
We at US Search and Rescue would like to honor the memory of Caroline Hebard and her contributions to our K9 programs.
Team members, photos, training films and other entertaining aspects of our search and rescue organization.
Have specific questions?
Email co.ussar@gmail.com
Message Us
P. 941.204.4970 24/7
P. 307.281.2080 Field Office
USMSI has a host of experts who can handle all phases of artificial reefs from design, engineering, permitting, construction, deployment, and post-deployment monitoring tasks.
USMSI's Youth Programs & Services
The USMSI is looking forward to new projects in 2022 that will enhance the gulf's habitats. See our page on Artificial Reef Technologies for completed and future projects.
Click here for important information from our Founder, Scott Steele
Check out the benefits of joining the USMSI's National Purchase Program.
Join our team in these areas as a non-professional with benefits!
Preserving and enhancing the gulf marine environment is something of great importance to us here at the USMSI. This video of a project in Texas will provide you with insight to the importance of artificial reefs.
Improving our marine environment through action & education
Affiliate offices in California, North Carolina, Michigan, Florida, Costa Rica and the Bahamas
United States Marine Safety Institute
A Florida Public 501c3 Non Profit Organization
Copyright © Scott Steele. All rights reserved.